Dec 15, 2010 08:22 GMT  ·  By

Video games publisher THQ and movie director Guillermo del Toro have officially confirmed that their future collaboration will not be limited to the inSane video game which was officially announced as coming to 2013, but that it also includes two other title in the same series and the possibility of delivering a movie based on the same universe.

THQ says that it will be holding all the rights to the video game form of inSane while Del Toro will have all the rights for the movie version, making sure that each creator works mainly with the medium he is most accustomed with.

inSane was revealed at the VGA ceremony on Saturday via a trailer which suggests a video game focused on the inner working of the human mind with a healthy dose of horror.

THQ has said that Del Toro has been working with the developers at Volition on the new game for about six months and the story of the game is pretty much nailed down.

Del Toro hyped up the innovative angle of his 2013 bound video games, stating, “With this new series of videogames, I want to take players to a place they have never seen before, where every single action makes them question their own senses of morality and reality. THQ and Volition, Inc. are equally excited to make this vision of a completely new game universe into a reality.”

Danny Bilson, who is the executive of core games at THQ, has said about the new franchise, “THQ is committed to creating great games by identifying the world’s most talented artists and providing them with the creative support to design innovative game play experiences.”

He added, “Guillermo is not only an incredibly gifted writer and film director, but also an avid gamer, and we are excited to bring his talents to our medium. We are confident his unique point of view will create visually stunning adventures, filled with rich and rewarding game play.”