So says a leak from Best Buy

Apr 27, 2009 20:41 GMT  ·  By

The PlayStation 3 hasn't had its fair share of high-end exclusivities as opposed to its other rivals like the Nintendo Wii or Microsoft's Xbox 360. While it had some success with the Resistance or Motorstorm franchises, it was the first Uncharted: Drake's Fortune title that really showcased the power of the PS3 and went on to become a best-seller.

Now, as the big black Japanese box is preparing to see Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, the executives at Sony saw fit to promote another exclusivity that would arrive before the highly anticipated title, inFamous. That is why the company has begun to tease its fans with an “electrifying announcement” regarding the two titles, which will take place today.

But Sony's big surprise has been leaked now, thanks to a worker at Best Buy, who opened a box of pre-order copies for inFamous, which were meant to be on display. The big surprise? The cases all contained a sticker that revealed that if you pre-ordered it you would be able to download the demo starting May 8, but, more importantly, you would participate in the Uncharted 2 Multiplayer beta stage, taking place between June 3 and June 28.

While a lot of rumors began to appear about the fact that a possible demo of Uncharted 2 would be bundled with inFamous, nobody really expected a multiplayer beta voucher, especially because the first Uncharted had no multiplayer mode and, up until now, Naughty Dog, the studio behind the franchise, hasn't revealed anything about an online mode.

Hopefully, Sony will unveil more details when it will make the announcement about these two highly expected titles today. Until then though, you might want to go and pre-order inFamous just to be sure.