Players will also have to travel on foot everywhere

Feb 25, 2016 13:38 GMT  ·  By

Fallout 4 has plenty to offer in terms of environments and mechanics, but many of the fans have complained that the open-world experience failed to provide a significant survival challenge, making it too easy for players to move across the post-apocalyptic space and achieve their objectives.

The team at Bethesda has promised a new Survival mode, designed to address all their demands, and a Reddit thread shows some hints about the coming experience, based on data mined information.

Saving will now be linked to sleeping in a bed for at least one hour, which means players will no longer be able to quicksave before a particularly hard fight or when they believe a big choice is coming up.

Survival mode in Fallout 4 will also introduce an increase in lethality during combat, which means that both the player character and their enemies will die faster, leading to combat that's more tense and exciting.

Adrenaline is introduced to reward players who are aggressive and kill enemies, and a character can only be ready to battle enemies if he is hydrated, well fed and rested, with penalties to the SPECIAL stats and to action points affecting those who lack all the required resources.

Uncocked meat, unpurified water, too much chem use, and disease can also significantly affect player progress until antibiotics are used to eradicate their effects.

Fast travel is no longer an option, which means that gamers will become better acquainted with the world as they move on foot from one location to another, and dealing with the radiation sea will prove to be a much harder challenge.

Weight is added to all ammo, based on caliber, and those who choose to exceed their encumbrance limit will get reduced endurance and agility and then damage to health and leg status.

Survival also affects companions and locations

Each area of the map that gamers clear will fill with both enemies and loot, but the rebuilding period will be longer than in the normal Fallout 4, and any character who's helping the player needs to be healed if he is downed in battle and will otherwise return to their home location.

Bethesda has not yet revealed when it wants to launch the Survival mode, but it is likely that it will arrive at the same time as the Creation Kit that will allow the community to create its modes and its content.

Starting March, Fallout 4 will also receive paid downloadable content from the studio, with the first pack, called Automatron, set to offer three new major missions as well as a chance to create a new robotic companion from scratch.

Bethesda has also announced it will launch Wasteland Workshop, which enables players to capture creatures and stage fights, and Far Harbor, a story-driven piece of DLC that will open up a new area where gamers and Nick Valentine will deal with quests, factions, and powerful enemies.

Gamers can get the Season Pass, which will cover more coming content, for the original price before March 1, with the company raising the price to 49.99 dollars or Euro after that date.