Bethesda will probably deliver a first title update soon

Nov 10, 2015 08:17 GMT  ·  By

The launch day for Fallout 4 is a big event for both developer and publisher Bethesda and for the video game industry, and the company must have been satisfied so far with the way the game works on the core platforms and the reactions coming from players.

There are no major complaints about game-breaking bugs either on the official forums or the dedicated Reddit, and most of those who are currently playing are satisfied with the open world they are exploring and the story.

There are some fans who are talking about bugs that lead to crashes or make the world impossible to explore, but the autosave system seems to mostly be doing its job when it comes to making sure that their progress is not lost.

When it comes to the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 versions of Fallout 4, most complaints are linked to drops in frame rate that seem to affect certain areas of the game, especially those that are heavy on the details.

Smaller glitches, including a general tendency for characters to get stuck in the environment, are present and seem to affect almost everybody playing, but they do not make progress impossible for those affected.

So far Bethesda has not reacted in any way to the feedback coming from fans, but the company is probably still gathering data and will deliver a first update for the title as soon as it had a clear image of the problems that are doing most of the damage to the community.

The most recent PC-based tweaks are in the form of a beta patch that tweaks some problems linked to some audio drivers and nothing else.

It's unclear whether Bethesda wants to first test all coming updates using small numbers of PC gamers before delivering them to the wider community and those on the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4.

Fallout 4 already has mods on the PC

Fans of the video game have already created graphics presets that are designed to improve the look of the world and characters without having a major impact on the performance.

More extensive content created improvements for the open world title will be launched in the coming weeks, and some of them will even be ported to the Xbox One.

Gamers can also use this comprehensive Fallout 4 guide to tweak some of the options that are only offered in the ini file linked to it, changing the frame rate, the field of view and more.

Fans have come to expect some issues with Fallout and The Elder Scrolls title on launch, and Bethesda needs to move as fast as possible and with plenty of transparency.

Constant updates will be able to create trust between the company and gamers, and the developers should also acknowledge any major problems.

Gamers can also currently order a Season Pass for Fallout 4, which will give them access to a range of downloadable content that will contain new story elements and other surprises.

Those who do not yet have the video game can also take a look at a Clueless Gamer segment linked to the post-apocalyptic world that features late night host Conan O'Brien.