Solution for Sterling Treasure problem will be soon offered

Apr 14, 2016 21:44 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Bungie is announcing that it is fairly happy with the deployment of the 2.2.0 update for Destiny which arrived earlier in the week and with the way the player community has been reacting to all the new content, which includes more PvE action and more gear that can be used to improve Guardians.

The official site explains that some problems were introduced by the free April update and that they are set to be fixed as quickly as the company managed to find the best way to solve them for all gamers.

When it comes to Sterling Treasure boxes, the studio wants to deliver missing ones as quickly as possible and explains that problems are only affecting those Destiny rewards that are not linked to Shaxx and Varick.

Bungie states, "We’re working on a plan to deploy a fix that should do just that (and prevent it from happening again) before the next weekly reset. Pardon the cliffhanger, but we promise to circulate more information when we can guarantee it. Either way, our intention is that you’ll all get what’s coming to you (and we mean that in a completely non-threatening way)."

The player community has been saying that it is satisfied with the new content for the moment.

Bungie is tracking some other issues with Destiny

The studio also says that all those who want to play At the Gates and Return to the Prison needs to be level 40 and to have complete the quest Dread Patrol and that all missing clan tags should re-appear as soon as gamers use the Repair Clan feature on the official site.

The company is also investigating player reports that less ammunition than expected is being offered in some Player versus Environment battles and aims to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

Dreg’s Promise, Queenbreakers’ Bow, and Lord of Wolves, Exotics associated with Prison of Elders can only be obtained via playing the Challenge mode activities, and there are no plans to introduce them via blueprints.

Gamers also need to be patient to see the post-match screens for weekly activities to get access to the rewards associated with them.

Bungie also acknowledges that Ghosts are being offered as rewards for Nightfall at a lower rate than initially announced and that a fix is being created.

Destiny will receive another major expansion this year, which will come with a price tag, and the development team is working with Activision on a full sequel that will be launched next year.