Bungie is still exploring ideas for the sequel

Jan 22, 2016 22:02 GMT  ·  By

Rumors about a sequel to Destiny designed to arrive in the fall of this year have been popping up ever since the start of 2015. However, new information seems to suggest that the leadership at Bungie has decided to delay this second installment in the series into 2017 and plans to make sure that plenty of new content for the original is delivered before the end of the year.

The information comes from a Kotaku article that quotes people familiar with the activity of the studio, and it seems that the franchise is at the moment in a state of constant flux, with the leaders of the team evaluating how they will approach the coming months.

It appears that Destiny 2 is continuing to be in full development, with most of the resources at Bungie linked to the title, but the delay might also mean that the studio and the team at Activision will only make an official announcement later in the year or even early in 2017.

The companies have not offered any official comment on the rumors, and they will probably remain focused on the first game in the series for the foreseeable future.

Bungie is very interested in delivering quality experiences to its fans, and even the original Destiny suffered major changes regarding both the story and gameplay before it was delivered, with similar big tweaks also made to the major expansions launched so far.

The rumored delay also means that the live team at the studio is currently working to plan out new content that will be delivered all through the rest of the year.

Destiny will celebrate Valentine's Day for the first time

The first big content drop for the social shooter is coming on February 9, when the company is launching the Crimson Days event that will celebrate Valentine's Day, delivering a new Crimson Doubles game mode and other unspecified events.

Bungie is not saying whether it also plans to introduce emotes and other paid content at the same time but will offer more details next week.

The company informs us that a bigger event, which should be of the same magnitude as The Taken King expansion, will also arrive before the end of spring, presumably delivering new strikes and even a new raid for gamers to take part in.

Bungie has also revealed that it has tweaked matchmaking algorithms without notifying the player community, which it said it would never do, to make sure that it has unbiased data to see how the tweaks have improved the experience.

According to the studio, it plans to continue working on the system to eliminate latency in the near future.

Gameplay and balance changes are also probably coming in the February update for Destiny, and until they do, gamers will be able to take part in the Iron Banner event, which is returning on January 26.

Bungie has also said that it will bring back the Sparrow Racing League at some point in 2016, possibly with tweaked mechanics and improved rewards.