The company is not yet ready to offer full patch notes

Sep 6, 2015 21:25 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Bungie is working hard on the final aspects of The Taken King expansion before it launches it on September 15, introducing a range of new content and changed mechanics to the first-person shooter.

One week before that date, on September 8, the title will receive the long-awaited update 2.0 and the studio wants to make sure that gamers know how to focus on certain activities and objectives before a range of major changes are made.

The list on the official site includes:

Complete those Year One Bounties Don’t delete characters or dismantle items just yet Try the Year One campaign again Jump into the Crucible for some new action Try your beloved Auto-Rifles again Destroy remaining Wolf Packs and loot their chests for Ether Keys Complete your House of Wolves Grimoire as it applies to hunting in the wild Complete your Moments of Triumph

All these aspects of Destiny will be heavily changed or even made obsolete when update 2.0 for the shooter arrives.

Bungie has not yet offered a full list of the change log, but one is expected to be offered as soon as deployment starts on September 8.

The Taken King is the biggest content drop of Destiny

The expansion is designed to be bigger than both House of Wolves and The Dark Below, a solid way of welcoming the second year in the life of the social shooter.

Bungie is introducing a new dreadnought area, which will not resemble the planets that are already part of the shooter, and an innovative set of enemies, weapons and equipment.

The Taken King also introduces a new Court of Oryx mode and a range of other end-game activities, while also raising the level cap and improving the overall experience for veterans.

The development team says that gamers should continue to offer information on the changes that they want to see implemented in Destiny.

King's Fall is the big raid that will be linked to The Taken King, and at the moment the plan is to deploy it on Friday, September 18, with gamers having three days to prepare their Guardians for the major new challenge of facing Oryx.