It's unclear how many players will be affected

Aug 12, 2015 09:09 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Bungie is announcing that it is planning to deliver more punishment for those Destiny players who engage in cheating later during the week, although the exact nature of the measures has not yet been announced by the company.

The information comes from the official Twitter account of community manager David Dague, aka Deej, who has long been the point man for the company when it comes to sensible subjects like gamers who play without obeying all the core rules of the various modes.

Network tricks are the most common way for players of Destiny to try and gain an unfair advantage over their peers in the Player versus Player experience of the Crucible.

Fans are almost constantly complaining that a minority of gamers is at the moment using other tricks to win matches in both the Crucible and the Trials of Osiris experience that was added in the House of Wolves expansion.

Bungie might simply tweak the core game experience to make it harder to cheat, or the company might deliver long-term bans to those who have been playing without obeying all the rules.

More information about the anti-cheating program will be offered in the coming Weekly Update for Destiny, which is coming on Thursday.

Destiny is preparing for The Taken King

Recently, the social shooter has also received the hotfix, which is designed to deal with some weapon imbalances and to tweak other game mechanics the community has been complaining about.

Its deployment and the focus on eliminating as many cheaters as possible is a sign that Bungie wants the game to be in top shape before it launches the new and big Taken King expansion.

When it arrives, gamers will be able to take on a hard new raid for six players that will bring them face to face with Oryx, the father of the already defeated Crota.

There are also more strikes to get through, and Bungie is delivering a massive 2.0 update designed to improve the core mechanics and to balance all the included weapons.

The Taken King is slated to arrive on all platforms on September 15, and those who have a PlayStation device will be able to enjoy some exclusive content for it.