Tweak to Crucible matchmaking will be added

Sep 25, 2015 00:37 GMT  ·  By

The Taken King expansion for Destiny was launched last week, and a number of teams have already managed to take down the new Oryx boss, which was the star of the new King's Fall raid, with the first accomplishing the task in a little more than seven hours after the challenge was introduced.

The development team at Bungie is revealing in the new Weekly Update that 777,270 Guardians tried to tackle the raid on the first day, and just 37,591 took out the boss.

Since then, more than half a million players have attacked Oryx, and 88,733 players have managed to take him out.

Bungie aims to make it clear that the second year of life for Destiny is just starting with the launch of The Taken King and the associated King's Fall, and that it has a range of secrets that will be revealed in time.

The studio adds, "There are rewards we have yet to reveal and that you have yet to earn. One or two of them were discovered by you this week. We could illuminate the path for you, but that would be too easy. Rather, we prefer for you to emerge as the heroes in your living, social world. We just built the place. You’re the legends."

Zone Control is added to the Crucible for Destiny

The development team at Bungie is also offering information on the Zone Control featured activity that's being introduced this week and how it has evolved based on the feedback delivered by the community.

Andrew Wheldon, a developer working on the social shooter, says that the mode is more focused on objectives than the classic Control that was offered in the first year of Destiny.

Both player scores and bonuses are eliminated, and teams get points every five seconds for each of the zones that they control, which means that gamers will have to carefully coordinate their moves in order to win a battle.

Weekly Player versus Player playlists are also added to Destiny for the first.

The development team at Bungie is also announcing that it plans to make some tweak to the matchmaking formula for the Crucible, which will be delivered at some point in the coming weeks.

Destiny has recently received a new hotfix, with some Taken King-related fixes.