Both Dragon Age and Mass Effect games are still planned

Jul 5, 2018 07:34 GMT  ·  By

BioWare's is well aware that they need to make Anthem a success, after they failed with Andromeda, and will likely return to Mass Effect and Dragon Age.

BioWare somehow managed to lose their position as one of the industry's leaders after the flop that was Mass Effect: Andromeda. Plagues by bugs, storyline problems, and rushed to the market, the game delivered a blow to the studio. It definitely affected their image, and now they want and need to make things right.

Let's not forget that BioWare brought us The Mass Effect series, Knights of the Old Republic, and the Dragon Age franchise. And we're only mentioning the stuff released in the last decade or so. Their legacy goes much further than that.

Anthem needs to be a success

After Mass Effect: Andromeda, Bioware's new game, Anthem, has been viewed with skepticism. While it looks great and has the potential to start a new franchise, it's also published by EA. The publisher is known for implementing a micro-transaction model in their games, and fans worry that it will happen the same with Anthem. On the other hand, EA did say that it's not going to add loot boxes or micro-transactions.

Game Informer talked with BioWare's general manager Casey Hudson and he knows that it's really important, or even vital, for Anthem to be a success. "We do try to focus, especially now, across the studio on just being cognizant that we have to get Anthem right. It's super important that we do right by our fans and give them an amazing game."

Casey also talked about the future after Anthem, and he stated that they already have people working on that as well. "For Dragon Age and Mass Effect, we want to get back to them as soon as we can. Mass Effect is certainly a game I want to get back to. I know there are people that feel like we're never going do anything along the lines of Mass Effect. It’s my baby. I helped start Mass Effect from the beginning, so of course we intend to get back to it at some point."