And even more on the way

Apr 23, 2007 13:39 GMT  ·  By

So, Microsoft updates their updated update once again, in regards to backwards compatibility. It looks like aside the 300 old Xbox titles available to play until now weren't enough. And why should they? The more games available to download and play out there, the better. So, 33 more games are joining the already available 300, among which: Panzer Dragoon ORTA, Jet Set Radio Future, Mercenaries, Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee, Soul Calibur 2 or Star Wars Republic Commando.

Joystiq says that a Microsoft spokesman was asked to comment on the update. He replied in writing that they're "continuing to work hard to certify as many original Xbox games to work on Xbox 360 as possible." How typical of them! Microsoft doesn't comment on rumors, they don't announce anything until it's a month away from release and they've always got it covered. Only this time, it's good news they held back from. And there's word of another update on the way, increasing even more the compatible titles list.

It's a good thing they're considering to make all these oldies available, as Nintendo and Sony are actually falling short on their backwards compatibility, with this new update for Xboxers. But what is causing this old-titles-frenzy anyway? All three major console manufacturers have made old games available to download and play via the Internet services each of them provide. Is this starting to become a competition? I'm sure that whoever makes the oldest titles available for their console, whether it's Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo, won't win the console wars just by doing that.

Who knows, maybe it's an educational initiative from all three companies, trying to get spoiled brat gamers to appreciate all that's been achieved over the decades.