The new device will also offer room for innovation

May 24, 2012 23:41 GMT  ·  By

Darksiders II might first be launching on the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, but those who plan to get the new Wii U home console from Nintendo can expect to see the same quality of graphics in their own version of the action game.

Jay Fitzloff, who is an associate producer working on Darksiders II, has told Eurogamer that replicating the current quality seen on home consoles on the Wii U “is not as challenging as you might think. Getting it working was not any issue on the Wii U. It’s just the control scheme. It’s new territory. It’s a new frontier.”

He added, “The Wii, after a while, there’s a lot you could have done with the Wii controls, but everybody kind of got into a groove, and it became, here’s how you handle this or here’s how you handle this. Now it’s the wild frontier. There’s no set system. You’ve got to think outside the box because there’s no precedence.”

The developer says that the team at Vigil Games working on Darksiders II is still tinkering with the Wii U version of the game and that they are still exploring new ways of using the hardware, including the tablet like controller, to enhance the experience the player gets.

Moving inventory screens and other auxiliary information to the screen of the controller is easy, but Vigil developers are also planning other changes in functionality for the Wii U version of Darksiders II.

Darksiders II will be launched on August 14 in the United States and three days later in Europe on the PC, the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360.

The Wii U version will be available the same day that the console is out, which Nintendo says will be before the end of 2012 on all major markets.