Optimized RSS reader, made solely for Wii gamers to navigate more easily

May 9, 2007 06:39 GMT  ·  By

When someone gets touched by a responsible and serious company, they know it. Just last night, Google Reader has been launched to be perfectly compatible with Wii, making use of all the console's and controller's functions, sure to make PS3 fans scratch their eyeballs.

ZDNet says that "Google quietly launched Google Reader specifically designed for the Wii last night - the new interface even makes use of the buttons found on your Wiimote. On my initial digging, I cannot find a similar interface designed specifically for the PS3 browser."

So Google has optimized their RSS reader, solely for Wii gamers to use. SlashDot says Google has also made it easier to navigate, since the Wii is limited in its browsing capabilities. The site also makes an interesting remark and that "it makes you wonder just how many people at Google must own a Wii for them to format their software just so it will work better on it."

Well, the answer is quite simple really: pretty much all of them. How do you think Nintendo's recording all those sales figures? By the end of this generation's time frame, some 80 percent of the gaming population today will have gotten a Wii or at least will have thought of getting one. It's simple, fun and cheap. The fact that gamers can use it as an even better Internet tool now makes it even more of a must-have system.