Is this how a Wii version of Guitar Hero will play? Hopefully not

Apr 20, 2007 14:29 GMT  ·  By

Is there anything one can't do with that Wii Remote. Honestly I think I've seen at least twenty ways of using it other than playing games, and strange ones, add that. But what impressed me the most was that some clever guys actually thought of using the Wiimote as a musical instrument. No biggy, the Theremin was invented in 1919 and it pretty much did the same thing: interpret radio waves; but it's the thought that always counts and the video below shows just that.

I'm sure you're already thinking: "I hope this is how they make Guitar Hero 3 on Wii!! Although they unrevealed it will probably just use a normal plastic guitar like the other games." Actually, one guy, going by the name of SopapoProductions, did think just that and I have an advice for him. Don't hope that a Wii installment of GH plays like this. It won't work as well as it does in games where it is used for jumping or aiming. At least not if RedOctane dramatically changes the interface of the game.

But really now, is the performance that good that it deserves Joystiq's attention? No, actually they made fun of it, but I have a sensitive side for these things and I appreciate what the fellow in the picture is trying to do. Next time though, if he does attempt to do something like this again, I have an advice for him: spice it up a bit, man, show some on-screen activity or choose a catchier tune, 'cause this one, as poor as the interpretation was, is too damned sensitive!