Fans are still upset about the casting news, won’t stop trying to get Affleck uncast

Aug 30, 2013 01:16 GMT  ·  By
Fans were extremely displeased with the decision to cast Ben Affleck as Batman, hilarious memes emerged as a result
   Fans were extremely displeased with the decision to cast Ben Affleck as Batman, hilarious memes emerged as a result

Late last week, we wrote about several petitions to Warner Bros. started by fans unhappy with the decision to cast Ben Affleck as Batman and argued that, though the rage was understandable, such a move was immature because he deserved a chance.

The petitions came right after Warners announced Affleck would star as the Caped Crusader in Zack Snyder’s “Man of Steel” sequel, which is tentatively called “Batman vs. Superman.”

As it turns out, some fans felt that pleading with the movie studio wasn’t enough, so they took this to the Powers That Be, starting a White House petition asking to “make it illegal for Ben Affleck to play Batman.”

“For the next 200 years.” Let that sink in.

Buzzfeed reports that the petition is no longer online but it has a screenshot attesting to its awesomeness – or the awesomeness (and immaturity) of the creator.

“I am asking you Mr. President, to make it illegal for Benjamin Geza Affleck-Boldt (otherwise known as Ben Affleck, or that guy that ruined Dare Devil) to act or be a part in, any movie related to super heroes,” the text read.

Apparently, Affleck is so bad that he shouldn’t even be allowed to play a superhero on SyFy, the TV network that brought us “Sharknado,” a movie about a tornado bringing live sharks to earth.

“We are concerned Americans, who care about our fictional heroes, often more than ones that actually existed,” the text went on to say.

“Batman is at least American, Clark Kent wasn’t even born on Earth and Ben Affleck isn’t even his real full name. Batman is a scientist, you can be a hero,” the petition concluded.

Somehow, the White House didn’t deem it worthy enough and pulled it. So far, Affleck is still playing Batman.