10 most desired games for the handheld that never hit it. Maybe Nintendo will take a look at the list

Mar 3, 2007 08:20 GMT  ·  By

Surely you've thought at least once since you've bought your Nintendo DS, how it would be to have your favorite games on it, probably even some of which will never make it to a Nintendo platform, not to mention the handheld. I know I have, when I was still in the GameBoy era; yet the PlayStation had launched and it had great games already, but I still wished for a Tomb Raider game on my black and white screened handheld. Those were the days...

Sorry for getting melancholic and all. OK, well if this is your case too, you should know that PocketGamer's Fraser MacInnes, wrote an article about this very topic and even made up a list of games suitable for the console's features, although many of them will never make it to the DS for sure, hoping that someone will some day take this possibility into consideration:

"We're a greedy lot here at Pocket Gamer. Even though the DS is already blessed with a large and varied library of great titles, we can't help but wish our lunchbreaks away over the games that should be, and the games that probably will never be. To vent our desires, we've assembled a canon of forgotten gaming heroes and oddball fancies that make a good fit for Nintendo's dual-screened play thing. Would it help if we said "Please!"?"

Funny guy, isn't he? Here are some of the ideas at PocketGamer: A LucasArts adventure game collection, Okami DS, Pilot Wings DS, Sketch Fighter DS, Mario Paint DS, Donkey Kong DS (although I was absolutely sure it was a DS title already...guess I was wrong) and even a board game compendium for, they say "big kids". It wouldn't hurt Nintendo to actually give that list a quick look. Who knows, maybe one or two titles do have a chance? Tomb Raider made it to the DS, didn't it?