Pigs can be taught to play video games, green group PETA says

Dec 19, 2013 07:15 GMT  ·  By

PETA has released its fair share of shocking videos over the years, and most of them were intended to get people to quit eating meat and dairy.

Apparently, the organization has decided that is has flooded the online community with enough gore.

Hence, it has recently launched a new campaign that aims to convert people to veganism by showing them just how awesome the animals they turn into burgers, steaks and stews are.

A few days ago, PETA released a video detailing the ten things that make cows super awesome. Just yesterday, it posted another video that explains why pigs are too-cool-for-words, and should therefore be loved and protected instead of slaughtered and turned into sausages.

The video is available above, and I for one have to admit that I found it quite interesting.

According to PETA, pigs are very intelligent creatures. In fact, the organization maintains that they can be taught to play video games, and that training them to do various things is actually easier than training a dog.

“Now that you know that pigs are emotionally complex, social, and intelligent animals who experience fear, pain, and suffering just as we do – won't you consider sparing their lives?” the organization asks.