The Storio has become a hit for parents and kids in France

Jan 23, 2014 10:15 GMT  ·  By

Back in December I told you tablets were the most wanted presents by children this holiday season and they parents were happy to oblige.

Now a new survey posted by NPD France (via Tablette-tactile) reveals a new trend which indicates tablets have begun replacing traditional kiddie toys like Teddy Bears and dolls.

The study found that the best-selling toy in the country for 2013 was actually a tablet, namely the Vtech Storio 2. The product comes bundled with a whole series of educational apps (15 to be priced) and over 300 games, stories, videos and song to be downloaded from the Explor@ Park.

The Storio 2 is a tablet targeted to children from 3 to 9 years of age, and the good news is the device’s price has dropped to €79 / €107 making it quite an affordable toy to have around the house.

Vtech is constantly updating its tablet portfolio by looking to up its game and has just announced it will launch a dedicated slate for babies.