Gold's “ADCDEFG” even more offensive than the “Chinese Food” song

Nov 6, 2013 13:45 GMT  ·  By

If you thought Rebecca Black's “Friday” was annoying and Gold's first song “Chinese Food” was shocking, I don't even what to imagine what you'll say about the teen's second song “ABCDEFG.”

As the name itself suggests, “ABCDEFG,” little miss sunshine Gold is reminding us the letters of the alphabet and uses random words to exemplify them:

“A stands for Anything you want to be B comes when you believe, Believe C comes when you take a Chance D comes when you open up the Door.”

Concerning the letter D, I think they kind of ran out of big words to use. Here's a hint: D comes from when you Dream (that this song will be erased from your mind soon).

Besides the fact that it is so annoying that you have to be a hero to last until the end, the video is absolutely creepy and shocking. Firstly, she get rejected by her crush for being too pushy, then she happily follows a sign that actually looks like a ransom note that says “Get In.”

Third, the overly optimistic girl gets into what can be described as a strange, creepy, windowless van with a very suggestive name “Wilson's Wagon” and ends up at a Muppet party.

At the party, Alison sees her crush again, and with the help of her omnipotent friend, creeping at the windows from the beginning of the video, she dabbles with potions until she turns her crush into a plate of Chinese food.

As the song says, Alison is “feeling like ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP” and accidentally turns everyone into puppets and intentionally commits cannibalism eating the plate of Chinese food that used to be her crush. Not weird at all.

Producer / rapper / songwriter Patrice Wilson has overdone himself again, while also creeping us all out with his latest "musical" offering.