Star is reportedly not ashamed of being seen without makeup or heels

May 11, 2009 17:51 GMT  ·  By
Victoria Beckham is a genuine “gym bunny,” fellow gym-goer tells the media
   Victoria Beckham is a genuine “gym bunny,” fellow gym-goer tells the media

She’s often been criticized for not knowing when not to wear high heels, as well as for her believing that she could not concentrate in flat shoes, but Victoria Beckham is now a changed woman. According to what an unnamed source tells the British publication the Daily Mail, Posh is hitting the gym six times a week, which is a first for the pop star.

But that’s not all that is shocking about this report, since Victoria is allegedly also quite comfortable with being seen without her makeup and in sweaty clothes, which also include sneakers instead of the killer heels she’s so fond of. Coming from a woman who once said she would rather die than work out or not wear heels – in more or less words – the new change in Victoria’s life strikes fans and the media alike as sudden as it is welcome.

“She wears normal gym gear and is always happy to hang out and have a juice and a chat afterwards. She’s remarkably normal and doesn’t seem to care if people see her sweaty with no makeup on. She’s confident in her looks and actually looks way better without all the war paint slapped on.” the Daily Mail source reveals. Moreover, it seems that Victoria’s new-found confidence also extends outside the gates of the posh LA workout club, since she’s also been photographer by the paparazzi wearing her gym gear and with little to no makeup – again a first for the British singer / fashionista.

Reports have it that Posh had a change of heart about getting some exercise when she realized that, no matter how skinny she was, her body was still registering the signs of age. Speculation in the blogosphere goes that she started working out six times a week after seeing the example set by the likes of Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow and Demi Moore, all of them women who have maintained their great looks with working out as well.

Another change that Victoria has operated in her life also regards her diet, the star eating more now because of her highly challenging exercise routine. In the end, it seems that this was precisely what she needed, if one were to believe her own words. “I get up in the morning, drop the kids off at school and then go to the gym. It helps me think properly for the rest of the day. David puts music into my iPod for me, so I listen to that while I work out, and Gordon Ramsay bought me trainers that have a little chip allowing you to clock how far you’re running.” Victoria revealed in a recent interview.