Life in high heels is prefect for the former Spice Girl

May 16, 2008 07:46 GMT  ·  By

If you, like many other women and men on this planet, are keeping an eye out for Victoria Beckham's fashion choices, then there's one thing you should never, ever expect to see her in, and that is flat shoes. Other than that, there are no boundaries to Victoria's keen fashion sense and she admitted that she's always keen to experiment with the utmost fashionable designs, prints and styles. Ask Victoria to try on the most outrageously revolutionary outfit - just don't ask her to put on flats or flip flops for her public appearances. The reason for this is quite straightforward - at least from Victoria's point of view: flats don't allow her to think and concentrate.

When I read this, the first thing that came to mind was a similar remark made by Mariah Carey a few months ago, when the singer admitted that she even exercises in high heels because her feet "repel" flat shoes. Victoria is apparently a kindred spirit in this respect. The petite mother of three explained in a recent interview with GMTV that flat shoes - or rather, not wearing flat shoes - is the main reason for which she never goes to the gym. "I just can't concentrate in flats", she explained. "I could go to the gym if I wore flats, I'd love to go to the gym, but I just can't get my head around the footwear". However, she does wear comfortable shoes around the house. "When I'm at home with David and the kids I'm always in flip flops", she adds by means of compensation.

Life on high heels is apparently quite suitable for Victoria Beckham, who declares she loves the States and her budding fashion career. In fact, the self-appointed fashion guru put in an appearance at the Harrods department store in London, where she promoted her own range of "dVb" jeans. In the past, Victoria was accused of failing to do enough promotional work for her high-priced brand and she seemed to be doing her best to compensate for any past negligence while on a short visit to her native Britain. Stay tuned for more news on Victoria, her looks and her tastes in fashion.

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Victoria Beckham cannot live without high heels
Mrs. Beckham lookes stylish as usual promoting her new range of jeans
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