Mar 9, 2011 09:30 GMT  ·  By

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, the newest iteration in the action adventure series from Naughty Dog, has just received an important new character, in the form of Katherine Marlowe.

The Uncharted series has changed its villains in the first and second games, but, in the upcoming third one, the Naughty Dog development team is taking things to a new level.

The newest nemesis of leading man Nathan Drake, as well as of his friends and companions, like Victor Sullivan or Elena Fisher, is called Katherine Marlowe.

While she may look like a cross between actress Helen Mirren and 101 Dalmatians' Cruella De Vil, Katherine Marlowe is quite dangerous and will stop at nothing to punish Drake.

"Katherine Marlowe is the coldly calculating leader of a secret society whose roots date back over four hundred years to the court of Queen Elizabeth I. She has a long-standing rivalry with Nathan Drake over Sir Francis Drake’s ring – something they both contend is rightfully theirs and is also the key to an ancient mystery," revealed Arne Meyer, community strategist at Naughty Dog on the PlayStation Blog.

The studio also released a video with a confrontation between Drake, Sully and Marlowe, which shows just how powerful the woman can be, as well as her team of special agents that will be much tougher than the array of mercenaries that were defeated by Drake and his friends in the first two games.

Besides the new reveal, Naughty Dog also presented the older Burning Chateau segment in full stereoscopic 3D to attendants of the Game Developers Conference last week, and the overall feedback was extremely good.

"Playing in 3D gives you some added benefits to gameplay as well, such as improved aiming around corners and an excellent read on depth for all traversal sequences, no matter how tricky," Meyer added.

Those that want to battle against Katherine Marlowe in full stereoscopic 3D will have to wait until the official launch of the game, scheduled for November 1, exclusively on the PlayStation 3 console.

Until then, check out a video of her meeting with Drake below.