With the CFMulti CompactFlash Type II to Eye-Fi + Multi-Card Adapter from Synchrotech

Oct 20, 2008 10:30 GMT  ·  By

Have you been reading about those very innovative Eye-Fi cards and wishing that the manufacturers had come up with a CompactFlash (CF) version as well? Something like...CF-Fi? Well, even if, for the time being, Eye-Fi cards are restricted to the SD format, there's also a workaround available, namely the CFMulti CompactFlash Type II to Eye-Fi + Multi-Card Adapter from Synchrotech, a device that will actually allow users to enjoy the same advantages provided by the WiFi-enabled cards, while still using their CF-only digital cameras.

Practically, this adapter enables CFII based digital cameras to use Eye-Fi WiFi SD Cards to wirelessly transfer their photos just like SD. Plus, the system is very user-friendly and intuitive, since all users have to do is simply insert the configured Eye-Fi card into the CFMulti and plug the pair into a CompactFlash Type II (5.0mm) slot. From that point on, the Eye-Fi CFMulti tandem behaves just as if the digital camera had a native SD Card slot. This system will most likely prove its worth especially in the case of DSLRs, all of which, traditionally, rely on CompactFlash cards for storage.

The adapter is also a pretty versatile device since, besides Eye-Fi SD cards, it also works quite well with several other card formats, such as SD (Secure Digital Media), SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity), MMC (MultiMediaCard), as well as MMC +Plus cards.

Probably the most important thing worth mentioning about the adapter from Synchrotech (and, also, one of the things that might actually drive a lot of users to purchase it) is the fact that we're not dealing with some "mind-blowingly" expensive product. No, the CFMulti CompactFlash Type II to Eye-Fi + Multi-Card Adapter sells for just around 28 US dollars, which is a pretty affordable sum, especially if you've already purchased an Eye-Fi SD card.

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