To tell guards at his gated community not to let the ex in, report says

Jul 28, 2009 13:56 GMT  ·  By

Earlier this month, Tony Romo broke off the almost two-year relationship with singer and actress Jessica Simpson right on the eve of her 29th birthday, as she was preparing for a big Barbie and Ken-themed birthday party. Since that was not clear enough that he did not want to have anything to do with her anymore, Romo has also resorted to other means, namely those of putting red signs on his gate and instructing guards, Us Weekly says.

If this report ever checks out – although chances for it to do so are practically zero –, this can either mean that the Dallas Cowboys quarterback is actually only 12, 13 tops and acting as such, or that Simpson is indeed that desperate to attempt to get into his house when he’s not there. As several US and international glossy publications also point out, only one of these two options could possibly explain why Romo would hang a red alert sign – all written in caps – on the gate outside his home.

“The new issue of Us Weekly, on stands now, reports the Dallas Cowboys quarterback instructed security to keep Simpson out of his gated community. A sign at the entrance reads: ‘RED ALERT!!! TONY ROMO HAS MADE SOME CHANGES TO HIS LIST OF PEOPLE ALLOWED IN... JESSICA IS NO LONGER ON THE LIST AND NOT APPROVED FOR ACCESS.’” the aforementioned publication writes.

However, Jessica never really got to see the embarrassing red alert sign because she made sure all her stuff was out of the house the next day after they called it quits. “Simpson didn’t exactly want to stick around: The singer paid $19,000 on July 15 to ship 37 boxes worth of her belongings from Dallas to L.A. overnight, a source tells Us.” Us Weekly says. With all this, fans must bear in mind that news of the split has yet to be confirmed.

Romo and Simpson started dating in November 2007 and, just earlier this year, the seriousness of their commitment and the kind of involvement they seemed to have prompted wedding rumors. Simpson was said to be desperate to marry the quarterback and start a family, while he was so desperately in love with her that he had agreed to wed her, even if the whole family and children thing was not that high on his priority list, it was said at the time.