But he's re-filing it to correct the mistakes. Why doesn't he just give it a rest?

Apr 30, 2007 07:57 GMT  ·  By

Last week finished off with news on Jack Thompson's new booboos and adventures with the FBI. This week starts with Thompson's new adventures and how his plans of bringing the video game industry to its knees fail once again. The man didn't stop at just making his usual comments on violent video games, but also filed a complaint to the FBI regarding a gaming site that didn't agree with him.

Kotaku didn't feel it was necessary to withdraw their article posting the lawyer's comments on the Virginia Tech massacre; thus Thompson emailed the FBI to prosecute the site's staff. This is what the email said:

"This web site at the below url is targeting me:

(pastes the url)

I ask that something be done by the FBI to stop this or prosecute it: Kyle81 says (posts a reader's comment): Actually the VT shootings are now the biggest mass shooting in US history with 31 dead, not just school shooting. Jack should be shot for taking the opportunity to leech off a tragedy to push his own agenda 04/16/07 03:25 PM

Regards, Jack Thompson"

It's a reader's comments, Jack! I could hardly give a damn if anyone said my opinions were idiotic and that they didn't agree. Not everyone's on the same level on everything and especially not on topics such as "violent video games." But the site did make a little mistake too. They posted the man's address and phone number. Anyone would get upset by this.

Anyway, as it turns out (God, it gets funnier and funnier by the day!), Thompson's accusations have been dismissed on terms of failing to follow the proper federal court procedure for amending a complaint, as Judge Huck pointed out. Did Jack Thompson fail to make an accurate complaint? Talk about irony...!

Any person in their right mind would just step off and chill at this point. Not Jack. He promised to follow the exact procedure, re-filing the Kotaku complaint. If I knew Jack was reading this, my advice to him would be to chill, go to the beach, get a hot dog and watch the waves smash into the rocks. Why all the hate? Does he honestly think he'll make a difference?