Does this guy ever stop?

Apr 24, 2007 09:36 GMT  ·  By

Ever had one of those days when everyone around you is telling good jokes and you have a dozen laughs that make your jaws and belly ake? Well, a day like that can get even better if you by any chance stumble upon Jack Thompson's comments in regards to violence in video games and how they influence us so negatively. More than that, there's not a single tragic event that occurs without Thompson blaming it on GTA, Manhunt or Counter Strike.

Recent Virginia Tech massacre has made a lot of specialists wonder what had influenced the disturbed individual to kill 31 students and a teacher (Liviu Librescu). Thompson's compulsory need of blaming everything on video games could not have emerged with such a tragedy going on and of course the man went live on TV to talk about his impressions. I don't even know why anyone listens. He always blames games.

Thus, gaming sites have yet another opportunity to laugh at Thompson's poor attempts to bring down the gaming industry, calling gamers "knuckleheads" and video games, "mental masturbation." Come to think of it, that last part isn't wrong really. But then, masturbation isn't wrong either. Games are fun. Diversity is good for the soul.

But then gaming site Kotaku didn't miss the opportunity to make a fool out of Thompson using his own statements against him. Thus, game hating attorney Jack Thompson emailed the site asking them to withdraw the article posting his comments. The site "politely declined" Thompson's offer, leaving Jack with no choice but to email the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I know I could have just said FBI, but it sounds like it's a big deal when you pronounce it all.

Thompson quote: "This web site at the below url is targeting me:

(pastes the url)

I ask that something be done by the FBI to stop this or prosecute it: Kyle81 says: Actually the VT shootings are now the biggest mass shooting in US history with 31 dead, not just school shooting. Jack should be shot for taking the opportunity to leech off a tragedy to push his own agenda 04/16/07 03:25 PM

Regards, Jack Thompson"

And is the FBI supposed to just arrest Kotaku's staff for posting Thompson's comments and Kyle81's, who is as entitled to his opinion, as the site? Not likely. God, I hope tomorrow I'll wake up to see another one of Thompson't booboos. I swear it's just like watching a good comedy film.