So says Infinity Ward

May 28, 2009 06:17 GMT  ·  By

The Call of Duty franchise was the same as any ordinary first-person shooter series that tackled World War II, up to the fourth installment, dubbed Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. By simply bringing the series into the present day, its developer, Infinity Ward, and its publisher, Activision, experienced a big amount of success in both sales and popularity.

As a new testimony to the big number of fans that this two-year-old game has gathered, the community manager from Infinity Ward, Robert Bowling, has revealed that there are over 13 million unique users on the Xbox 360 console alone. He goes on to say that there has been a huge demand from January, when the total number of Xbox 360 CoD 4 players was at around 10 million.

In a podcast with Xbox 360 community manager Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb, Bowling reveals, “Call of Duty 4 on Xbox Live just exploded. I mean right now we're at 13 million unique users on 360 and that's insane.” Coupled with the impressive increase, it seems that fans are still amazed by this spectacular video game.

In terms of other platforms, the PlayStation 3 users are at around 4,3 million, but the numbers are from January, and a growth might have also occurred from the Sony side. PC gamers are certain to have increased in numbers as Modern Warfare was always present in the weekly PC sales charts.

This boost further cements the fact that the next game in the series, Modern Warfare 2, will become even more popular around the world and will break all sales records, as Activision and Infinity Ward executives have revealed over the weeks. Until November 10 though, you can still keep playing the first Modern Warfare or, if you long for World War II, you can experience the Treyarch-developed CoD: World at War.