Everyone is digging up the story again, but nobody seems to be looking for the obvious

Feb 23, 2007 09:25 GMT  ·  By

Every page I flipped through today has a link to the 49-year-old bum's murder by the hand of three teens in 2004. Nathan Moore was the leader of the gang who murdered the homeless person and he told CNN in 2004 when the tragedy took place, that all he wanted to do that day was "smoke pot and get drunk with his friends," beating up the bum not having been in the plans for that day.

Um excuse me... am I the only disgusted reader who thinks that kid had some serious issues and maybe the parents are not so much to blame? I mean, everyone talking about the case again, after more than 2 years from the time of the tragedy, is showing a very reserved opinion. More than that, everyone's talking about the parents. Nobody even thinks for a second that a child can have the best parents in the world, but if he is mentally unstable they will have little chance of making a change in his behavior.

The story became even more striking when Moore stated that killing the bum reminded him of a violent video game he had played. So then everyone blamed the mishap (if we can call it that way) on the game. I haven't yet got the chance to dig the story so deep as to find out what actual game it was that made Moore so aggressive, but quite frankly, that shouldn't be the reason of concern. Different people interpret the same game in different ways, so you can't blame the game. You can't blame the parents too much either (sometimes). How many cases have you heard where parents actually get a grip of their offspring?

Life isn't exactly the Seventh Heaven TV series and the bottom line is that people have issues. Parent's fault or not, the 3 teenagers are the ones to blame, they were simply sadistic. Only animals have no judgment of their own, everyone knows the difference from right and wrong, heck...even animals.