Virgin Radio that is. The Xbox 360 isn't getting it however. Why do you think?

Apr 11, 2007 15:08 GMT  ·  By

The Inquirer's Theo Valich posted yesterday this piece about Virgin Radio releasing its player for Nintendo's Wii and Sony's PlayStation3 gaming systems. The post reads: "While the webcast already existed on Wii, the company released new, optimised versions of players for owners of these two consoles. The player has capabilities beyond the PC version, so you can either listen to Virgin Radio, watch music videos, download recordings and tracks - all for free." How about downloading some Virgin girls? No? Mkay.

But no streaming Virgin Radio for Xbox 360. Why do you think that Virgin chose the PS3 and the Wii, but left out Microsoft's next-gen console on this offer? It's only because Microsoft has a stnkin' policy saying that nothing goes in and nothing comes out of the Xbox 360 without them seeing and charging the content. That's why Epic has released only two of the six later created maps for Gears of War, as Microsoft's policy kicked in, after the release of the first two. By the way, The Inquirer also informs readers of the fact that Microsoft made millions with the two newly released maps, but it seems that wasn't enough.

Anyway, Virgin Radio on PS3 and Wii means that while you're playing your favorite game, whether it's racing (uuu I know some good songs for racing games), or shooting, or questing, you can tune in to your favorite genre of music and forget about the tunes that developers forced you to listen to. Just leave the SFX volume to the desired level and "kill" music bar. Oh, that works on generally all games except Guitar Hero. And no, you can't play streamed virgin music to the Gibson, just in case anyone thought it was even possible... Jeez!.