Specialists warn of the dangers of depriving our body of vital nutrients

May 29, 2009 18:31 GMT  ·  By

A mother from New Zealand lost an amazing 98 pounds in just eight months after giving birth, it has recently emerged, and her story instantly caught all the international headlines. Still, since she accomplished this amazing feat in the most unhealthy manner possible, by drinking Red Bull and eating close to nothing, specialists are now warning of the dangers inherent to an approach of this type.

Because the woman in question managed to lose so much weight over such a short period of time, and given that certain celebrities have also tried the efficiency of this so-called Red Bull diet, questions immediately began to surface as to whether this was healthy or not. Of course, the “diet” is anything but healthy – as a matter of fact, it can have disastrous consequences on the overall health, while also paving the way for the weight to be regained once the slimmer returns to the diet they were on before the Red Bull.

What Brooke Robertson, 23, did was that she discovered the energizing drink suppressed her appetite, so she started drinking more – anywhere between 10 to 14 cans a day. When she felt famished, a handful of dry cereals were more than enough to fool her into believing she had had a proper meal. Then, she had a heart attack. The 23-year-old mother survived but her case is now thoroughly discussed in the media, lest some other woman believes the “diet” to be the key to sustainable, permanent weight-loss.

“When you deprive your body of the nutrients and energy it needs, you likely will lose weight. But you may be harming your body much more than you are doing it a favor. And once you loosen the reins on your stringent plan, your body will gain weight back.” That’s Fit points out. This goes not only for the Red Bull diet, but also for diets that imply restrictions and cutting out nutrients that should never be eliminated, like was the case with the very controversial Beverly Hills Diet.

“For weight loss to really stick, you need to follow a plan that can last for a lifetime. Eating healthfully by selecting a variety of nutrient-dense foods (such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein), keeping your total calories in an appropriate range and exercising regularly are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle – and a healthy weight.” it is further being said in the same diet-oriented e-zine.

The bottom line is that the Red Bull-only diet, although pretty tempting from the outside because of the many pounds one can lose with it, can and will eventually kill. Losing weight should never come at such a high price, experts say.