Which are also extremely dangerous for our health

Apr 6, 2009 13:17 GMT  ·  By
Taking diet pills or laxatives are two of the most common dangerous methods to lose weight
   Taking diet pills or laxatives are two of the most common dangerous methods to lose weight

In an ideal world, in our constant struggle to lose weight, or to keep the pounds off, depending on the case, we would turn to a healthy diet and a regular workout routine. In practice, though, there still are countless women who resort to quick and extremely dangerous methods of losing the weight. Some of them are listed below, as comprised by the girls at AllWomenStalk.

The first method and, at the same time, the one that doctors usually recommend as the last alternative is stomach stapling. This is a surgical procedure that implies restricting the stomach and creating a small pouch, which limits food intake. However, because it’s known to cause stomach infections, doctors are very reserved about it, and it’s done only on overweight or obese patients, and even then too only as a last solution.

Liposuction is yet another commonly used method to lose the pounds and, while highly available to anyone with enough money and time for recovery, few are those who are actually aware of what it means, it has been said. For starters, lipo leaves small scars that will, presumably, not go away in time. Then, it leaves nasty bruises – but they will fade in about 4 or 5 weeks and, last but not least, it does not guarantee that fat will not be stored again. This means that women going in for the surgery will also have to start watching what they eat, unless they don’t want that money to literally go down the drain.

Finding the perfect surgeon to perform such a delicate and intrusive operation is also something that should be considered before jumping on the table. Not few have been the cases when women were left with horrible scars after going to a surgeon that was either not accredited or had no experience. In order to be safe than sorry, doing a lot of research beforehand and making sure we know everything there is to know about the surgery in itself (that is, not allow ourselves to be blinded by the results we’re hoping for) are essential before making a decision.

Popping pills is yet another dangerous method of losing weight, be them in the form of appetite suppressors or laxatives. The problem here is obvious: unless they’re prescribed by a doctor, neither of them actually works in the way we might think and they end up doing only harm to our body. Buying any type of diet pill off the Internet is also not recommended, since most can be just scams playing on the client’s desire for quick and easy results.

The last method of losing weight fast – and also one of the most dangerous – is starving oneself. Although warnings about this are constantly issued by health experts, a surprisingly large number of people still resort to starving to drop weight, it has been said, despite the fact that its effects are very painful and severe.

On a final note, what we should remember is that none of the methods exposed above are good to lose weight – at least, not even a fraction as good as the healthy method of a balanced diet combined with exercise, even moderate. For more on this, see here.