No secrets here, spoilers ahead

Dec 22, 2009 09:17 GMT  ·  By

Achievements are the really big things for titles and, according to some qualified opinions, they're game features that even improve sales. So, it's no wonder then that not only do all the new games have them, but also that they're properly advertised and used as advertisements for the titles themselves, in turn. One big game that's just around the corner, waiting to blow our minds away, is BioWare's Mass Effect 2, and it's just dying to tell us all the cool things one will be able to do in it. A full list of achievements for Shepard has been released, and they're a hefty 50 in number. Put together, they add up to 1,000 gamescores, if this is something you keep track of.

Mass Effect 2 should be the next big jewel on the BioWare RPG crown, and the game already looks like it could easily become the star at the 2010 Video Game Awards. It follows the story of the first title by allowing you to import your decisions from the original ME, it offers some stunning graphics and effects and, from the class trailers BioWare released, it looks like the combat mechanics are going to be on par with the rest of the praises the title just got.

So, if you're eager to take a look at some of the things you'll be able to do, it's quite understandable, but be warned, there are no secret achievements present, you could find some major plot spoilers ahead. The full list of 50 achievements is posted below, so browse through it at your leisure.

Missing in Action (5) Save your crew from an overwhelming attack.

Very Elusive (10) Return to active duty.

The Convict (10) Successfully recruit the biotic Convict.

The Krogan (10) Successfully recruit the krogan.

The Archangel (10) Successfully recruit Archangel.

The Professor (10) Successfully recruit the Professor.

The Quarian (10) Successfully recruit the quarian.

The Justicar (10) Successfully recruit the Justicar.

The Assassin (10) Successfully recruit the Assassin.

Friend or Foe (10) Obtain geth technology.

Colony Defense (25) Defend a human colony from attack.

The Prodigal (10) Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Officer.

Ghost of the Father (10) Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Operative.

Catharsis (10) Gain the loyalty of the biotic Convict.

Battlemaster (10) Gain the loyalty of the krogan.

Fade Away (10) Gain the loyalty of the Archangel.

The Cure (10) Gain the loyalty of the Professor.

Treason (10) Gain the loyalty of the quarian.

Doppelganger (10) Help the Justicar resolve her mission.

Cat's in the Cradle (10) Gain the loyalty of the Assassin.

A House Divided (10) Hack a geth collective.

Ghost Ship (25) Complete the investigation of a derelict alien vessel.

Suicide Mission (50) Use the Omega 4 Relay.

Mission Accomplished (125) Save humanity throughout the galaxy from certain annihilation.

Against All Odds (15) Survive suicide mission.

Insanity (75) Complete the game on the "Insanity" difficulty level without changing the setting.

No One Left Behind (75) Keep your team alive through the suicide mission.

Long Service Medal (75) Complete Mass Effect 2 twice, or complete it once with a character imported from Mass Effect 1.

Paramour (50) Successfully pursue a relationship with a teammate.

Head Hunter (10) Perform 30 headshot kills with any weapon on humanoid targets.

Brawler (10) Shoot and kill 20 enemies while they're knocked back by a punch.

Big Game Hunter (10) Thresher Maw defeated.

Tactician (10) Hit 20 different targets with multiple biotic powers to combine the effects.

Master at Arms (15) Kill enemies with five different, heavy weapons during the game.

Merciless (10) Make 20 enemies scream as they fall or are set on fire.

Overload Specialist (15) Disrupt the shields of 25 enemies.

Warp Specialist (15) Warp the barriers of 25 enemies.

Incineration Specialist (15) Incinerate the armor of 25 enemies.

Operative (15) Complete a mission discovered by scanning an unexplored world.

Agent (50) Complete five missions discovered by scanning unexplored worlds.

Prospector (5) Retrieve mineral resources by scanning and probing a planet in the galaxy map.

Explorer (10) Visit 100 percent of the planets in an unexplored cluster.

Power Gamer (10) Reach Level 30 with one character.

Scholar (15) Unlock 15 new Mass Effect 2 codex entries.

Technician (15) Obtain (10) technology upgrades.

Weapon Specialist (15) Fully upgrade a weapon.

Scientist (10) Complete any research project in the Normandy's laboratory.

Fashionista (5) Personalize your armor in your quarters on the Normandy.

Power Full (15) Evolve any power.

Highly Trained (15) View all advanced combat training videos at Shepard's private terminal.