Developer plans to launch five episodes for first season

Mar 21, 2012 02:01 GMT  ·  By

The Walking Dead has managed to make the transition between comic book and television show seamlessly, with AMC currently airing the second season of the series, and developer Telltale plans to also make the franchise a success in the video game world.

The focus of the original material has always been on characters and their inner workings rather than on straight up action and it seems that the video game version of the franchise will keep this emphasis.

Dan Connors, the chief executive officer working at developer Telltale, stated, “We’ll rarely give you a level where you blast through and have a horde of zombies attacking. It’s more like the franchise itself where people don’t usually go on zombie killing sprees, but you do have to take out zombies in different contexts.”

He added, “In one of the scenes, there is a character stuck in a motel room. They’ve boarded themselves in and there are six or seven zombies on the scene. You need to stealthily go around and take out each zombie before the other zombies recognize there. That would be a situation where we would use a stealth and attack mechanic.”

The Walking Dead video game will use all the characters seen in the comic and the television series and many of the same situations, although the developers have taken some liberties with the core material.

A source inside Telltale has told Siliconera that The Walking Dead will have a five-episode long first video game season, with the first one simple called The Walking Dead and the following ones set to use the names: Starved for Help, The Long Road Ahead, Around Every Corner and No Time Left.

The Walking Dead video game will get a first installment on the PC, the PlayStation 3, the Xbox 360, the Mac and all iOS-powered devices during the first few days of April.

A social game based on the same universe is also under development, but little detail on how it will work has been released until now.