Movie studio says Boo Boo Stewart got carried away with his statement

Aug 25, 2009 08:02 GMT  ·  By

Over the weekend, Boo Boo Stewart, the 15-year-old actor that will be playing wolf Seth Clearwater in “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse,” revealed that Summit Entertainment was thinking of turning Stephenie Meyer’s four books into five films. Shortly after he spilled the beans on what was probably supposed to be one of the biggest secrets of the franchise, Summit infirmed the report in a statement to Us Magazine.

Boo Boo Stewart enthused about meeting the entire cast behind one of the most successful film franchises of the recent years, especially Robert Pattinson, who plays vampire Edward Cullen, since he already knew Taylor Lautner (Jacob Black) from school. The young star also revealed that Summit was thinking of making five movies, presumably dividing “Breaking Dawn,” the last book in the series, in two.

While not exactly denying that this is its intention, Summit is saying the timing for Stewart’s statement is just not right, especially since it is yet to confirm the fourth film, let alone a fifth. “We appreciate our young actor’s enthusiasm for the franchise and his role, but his comments about the number of films were unfortunately uninformed and not accurate. However, the fans should rest assured the we’re working with Stephenie Meyer to bring ‘Breaking Dawn’ to the big screen.” Summit states in the press release.

As we also told you on Saturday, Boo Boo Stewart was pretty convinced that Summit would also be releasing a fifth film after “Breaking Dawn.” “I heard there’s going to be three more movies, ‘Eclipse,’ ‘Breaking Dawn’ and there should be one more.” the star told Access Hollywood in a televised interview. Moreover, Us Magazine says it has it straight from the horse’s mouth that Stewart’s publicist also confirmed for Access Hollywood that more movies were in the works, which could mean that there is some truth to the rumor after all.

Should this check out, this still leaves the question of how Summit plans to go about this. One theory that is widely circulated is that it will split “Breaking Dawn” in two films, in the same fashion of the “Harry Potter” franchise. There is also the possibility of having Meyer write a new book that will be turned into a fifth film, but the chances of that actually happening are rather slim at the moment, it is being said.