Also known for relieving menstrual cramps and back pains

Jan 30, 2009 21:01 GMT  ·  By

Along the years, people have come up with a myriad of ways of fighting stress so that we are now able to choose just the one that suits us the best. Just in case you too are a fan of stretching as a means to relax, FitSugar recommends the supported butterfly position as the best to unwind, while also being beneficial for menstruation cramps and back pains.

For starters, it’s called the “supported” position because it also implies you using two large pillows. What you have to do, according to FitSugar, is place the pillows on the floor and then lie down, with the buttocks on the floor and not on the pillows. You must bring your feet together, while you push your knees apart from each other, so that they rest on the two pillows.

Once you get in this position, hold it for a while, and then slowly, as you take a deep breath, also extend your arms next to the torso. You can hold this position for as long as you like or, accordingly, until you feel you are free of stress and relaxed. Make sure that, all the time that you remain in it, you breathe steadily – as a matter of fact, your breathing should be the only aspect to concentrate on, if possible.

When you feel you are either relaxed enough or no longer able to hold the butterfly, bring your knees together again, bring them up to the chest and hold them there for a few moments longer. Roll to one side and slowly get up, without making sudden movements. Now, FitSugar says, you’re more than ready to deal with whatever problems you have more efficiently and with considerably less stress.

As a side note, the supported butterfly is said to relieve menstrual cramps, but also back pains because it forces you to straighten your back against a hard surface. However, it is said, those who have lower back issues might want to consult a specialist before starting to stretch like this on a regular basis, since remaining in this position, with the legs apart, can be detrimental for the spine.