Expansion demo adds the features which fans have requested for implementation

Oct 22, 2007 12:33 GMT  ·  By

Yes PC gamers and fans of the turn-based strategy genre, Fury Software and Battlefront have just rolled out the new Strategic Command 2 Weapons and Warfare Expansion Demo. We've also made it available for download right here on Softpedia, so click right HERE and get it for yourself.

Fans of the Strategic Command series should already know that Weapons and Warfare is the first expansion pack to the turn-based WWII strategy game, Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg. However, not even fans know what the demo hides and this is why we're here, to share with you what Fury Software and Battlefront have revealed today.

According to the official report, the Strategic Command 2: Weapons and Warfare demo includes two playable campaigns:

Fall Weiss which depicts the German invasion of Poland Wacht Am Rheim, better known as the Battle of the Bulge.

However, taking the experience online will be impossible for players as multiplayer modes are disabled in the demo, but both campaigns are playable against the AI as either the Axis or Allied side.

On the good side, the two companies responsible with the game have confirmed that Weapons and Warfare incorporates a huge list of new features which you, the fans, have frequently asked for, including a bigger world map, new units, enhanced naval movement and combat rules, a deeper weather model, additional terrain types and resources, the simulation of roads and railways and a greatly extended editor with the ability to add in scripted Image and Sound events and much more, the same report reveals.

Even though this demo is free of charge, you'll surely consider pre-ordering the full experience once you've given it a go, even if there's no online to it. Weapons and Warfare is scheduled for release before the end of October. HERE's the download link for the demo again. Have fun!