Scans of the issue in question are already online

Sep 1, 2009 13:28 GMT  ·  By

Fans love Robert Pattinson to such an extent that he could be called a rarity in today’s Hollywood: a young actor that is yet to prove all his worth who is adored by millions, respected and, at the same time, idolized. Pattinson can do little wrong, if any at all, so it’s really no wonder that every word that comes out of his mouth is carefully weighed and then laid down on paper for posterity. Above all, Robert makes for the most delightful object of a photoshoot, as the latest issue of the French mag Premiere shows.

The British actor, who plays the gorgeous and sensible Edward Cullen in “The Twilight Saga,” is featured in the latest issue of the aforementioned magazine. Scans that surfaced online just a few hours ago show that the issue includes, aside from photos of the reclusive and usually shy star, several new shots from “New Moon” and a very lengthy piece on none other than Robert himself.

Given that he’s not exactly known for his willingness to open up to the media, fans who say the several-page interview is the next thing to awesomeness may not be out of line. The Premiere feature also includes behind-the-scene details on “New Moon,” talks with other production members, in short, it’s like manna for “Twilight” fans, the only con being that it comes in French. Those who speak the language can check out the hi-res scans here or, if not, they may consider bracing themselves for a few hours’ wait, because someone is bound to translate the entire piece any moment now.

Speaking of “New Moon” with the US media not long ago, Pattinson revealed that having to shoot the scene in Italy, when Edward went to seek the Volturi’s help, without his shirt was one of the most embarrassing moments of his life until then. The actor did not offer more details on what made the particular scene so difficult, but, since he is known to be openly adverse to the idea of drawing too much attention to him when in public, it’s believed this was the real reason.

In the same interview, Pattinson also said that he hated seeing himself on film, presumably also because he was too shy and did not know how to cope with the extra attention. “I still can’t watch myself either. I have always been like that. Watching myself at the ‘Twilight’ premiere was a mistake. I had never watched anything of myself since ‘Harry Potter.’ But I went to it because my whole family was coming to see it. Nothing comes other than this pure discomfort. I can’t watch myself. I am just feeling everybody else’s reaction. I can’t handle that at all.” Robert was saying at the time.

Keep an eye on this space for the full interview with Premiere.

Photo Gallery (2 Images)

Robert Pattinson in Premiere magazine
“New Moon” still in the latest issue of Premiere magazine
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