Feb 9, 2011 23:31 GMT  ·  By

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is one of the most expected open-world action and role-playing mixes of 2011 and the developers are eager to talk about how the game will improve upon the solid structure of their previous effort of Oblivion while faithfully rendering the new province.

A new story on the game in the Official Xbox Magazine in the United Kingdom offers new details on the project, some of them already known but some genuinely knew.

There are some details about weapon perks, with an axe based one focusing on bleeding and increasing its duration, which means that some enemies can be hit just once in a hit and run attack and the player can then wait for them to die because of blood loss.

A similar perk for the mace can eventually lead to gamers hitting enemies while ignoring all armor protection, something that stealth-based characters will appreciate because it can make their first strike a deadly one.

The screenshots also show characters use the new hand-based weapon system, allowing a character to have a weapon equipped in one hand while also wielding a spell with the other hand, which opens up a lot of possibilities for combat.

The developers also detailed the way the snow-covered world province of Skyrim would work, saying that the patterns in which it moved around the world were completely dynamic, with the areas covered in snow varying from game to game.

The developers are saying that all the screenshots they are now showing off from Skyrim are taken from the current Xbox 360 version of the game, suggesting that the PC version might look even better.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was announced late last year and will be launched on November 11 of this year on the PlayStation 3 from Sony, the Xbox 360 and the PC.