Crush is in the picture now for PSP as well

Jan 25, 2007 11:54 GMT  ·  By

Platform puzzler Crash Sega's interesting idea to throw in a new experience is consistent of the game's ability to switch from a 3-dimensional space to a 2-dimensional one in an effort to cover wide gaps. I've seen the video myself on YouTube and it looks very interesting. Along with the sound experience it provides, the game creates a strange yet pleasant atmosphere that grabs you.

In fact, it is the base element of the game and while some will find it interesting and catchy, others are surely going to be annoyed by the attention demanding action. Still, those who are not repelled by the thought of trying out something new, it's the perfect opportunity to measure your skills.

My advice is to watch the video and see just how the environment changes in an instant from a 2-dimensional one to a 3-dimensional one. There are parts where the solution to a problem is much more obvious in the 2D manner and sometimes it's exactly the other way around.

Here's an inspiring comment from a guy fed up with the criticism on the video: "Wow, I don't know why you guys are so critical of this. It looks like an amazingly fresh and brilliant idea. I haven't seen anything like this on the market ever. It's such a great concept, and it has tons of potential." Leaving aside the attention demanding and pretty common gameplay, the game does have potential and the idea will grow for sure.

It is scheduled for release on PSP soon and it looks more than promising. It is a perfect platform-puzzle game for a handheld console, but watch out where you're going when you play so you don't make a wrong turn to the 2D environment.