The full configuration details are now completely unveiled

May 23, 2012 12:08 GMT  ·  By

Samsung’s initial ChromeBox presentation took place back at CES and very little info trickled on the net since then. Now, the ChromeBox is reportedly listed in the store for just 329 USD.

MiniPCs became very fashionable since Apple launched the MacMini some years ago.

Therefore, Samsung is jumping on the miniPC bandwagon with its really small ChromeBox system.

Samsung’s new toy is powered by an Intel dual-core Celeron processor called B840. It has 4 GB of DDR3 memory and a 16 GB solid state disk.

Connectivity is well-endowed, as the ChromeBox comes with 6 USB ports, a VGA connector and WiFi.

Listed for just 329 USD, the ChromeBox is around 257 EUR for European Samsung fans, and that’s a whole lot cheaper than the initially quoted price of about 400 USD.