The company has to pay the damages and avoid using the software again

Aug 23, 2013 12:10 GMT  ·  By

Samsung and Apple have been fighting over tablets and smartphones for years, mostly because Apple sued the former for alleged patent infringement.

Several courts, including the San Jose District Court in California, ruled in Apple's favor, to the point where damages worth billions have to be paid, and some products were even banned from the US.

Samsung tried to appeal the court decisions, especially the one about the bounce-back patent, which lets Apple iPad and iPhone menus bounce back into place if they are dragged/scrolled above or below the top item in the list.

As it turns out, Apple's lawsuit about the bounce-back patent is one that Samsung completely lost against. Samsung won't be allowed to go to court over it anymore.

All in all, Apple is dominating the legal side of this for some reason.