Curvy actress talks insecurities, says she wasn't always this good looking

Dec 9, 2011 19:21 GMT  ·  By

One single look at Salma Hayek and perhaps the last thing on your mind would be that she too has her bad days. Yet the gorgeous actress is no stranger to insecurities, as she admits in a recent interview cited by the Daily Mail.

Now promoting “Puss in Boots,” on which she lends her voice, Salma also talks in a new interview about how there was a time when she was quite a tomboy, much to the amusement of her mates.

When she was younger and, presumably, still with some growing up to do, Salma was the opposite of how she is now: whereas today she is curvy and feminine, back then she was slender and a tomboy.

At one point, she'd become so frustrated that all the other girls had started to grow breasts and she hadn't, that she actually prayed to Jesus for them.

“I was the youngest in class and all these girls were starting to get them [breasts] and I wasn’t getting anything – I was really scared. I was getting teased a lot because everyone was older and I was the skinny tomboy,” the actress says.

“I went to a church that had a saint that was supposed to do a lot of miracles. I put my hands in the holy water and went: 'Please Jesus give me some [breasts]',” she adds.

Today, Salma is known both for her drop-dead gorgeous looks and for her enviable curves. It seems her prayer helped her.

In another recent interview, the stunner said she was very much against plastic surgery, having resisted so far the temptation other Hollywood stars fall victim to of getting Botox or plastic surgery.

On one occasion she said she never had anything done to her face, saying today's trend made all women look the same: wrinkle-free but not particularly more beautiful for it.

In another, Salma explained that the reason she didn't get Botox until now was that she was too “terrified” of it, as we also informed you at the time.