Jan 11, 2011 15:51 GMT  ·  By
Russell Brand is fun and fearless for the latest issue of Cosmopolitan magazine
   Russell Brand is fun and fearless for the latest issue of Cosmopolitan magazine

Actor Russell Brand has just been named the Fun and Fearless Male of the Year by Cosmopolitan magazine and, while he’s overcome drug addiction and people’s misconceptions of him, he says getting married was the boldest thing ever.

The latest issue of Cosmo also features Mila Kunis on the cover in the Fun and Fearless Female issue, yet it’s the one with Brand that’s getting the most attention.

Asked about which was the most fearless thing he’s done in 2010, the British comedian says getting married to pop star Katy Perry was definitely it. And he seems dead serious about it as well.

“I have to say getting married. It’s pretty wild that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with Katy,” Brand says. Given his former hell-raising ways, it’s not hard to understand why he’d say that.

Pressed for details about his life with Katy, Russell gets the chance to show his funny side once more, joking about how she’s always keeping him in check by hitting him in the head with a bottle.

“Well, she threw a bottle at my head when we first met, and she’s been doing that in some form or another ever since,” Brand jokes with the magazine.

In October 2010, Russell and Katy were married in a fabulous and exclusive Indian ceremony, which even included a pair of elephants and the who’s who of celebrity world.

They had announced their engagement months before, in January 2010, after only four months of dating, as we also reported at the time.

Though news of their decision to go down the aisle together came as a shock, both insist they keep each other on the straight path.

Katy says she needs a man who proves he can be in control if need be, while Russell has often stated that it was her who turned him from a life of drugs, alcohol and womanizing.