Pop star promotes feature film debut, refuses to address ongoing rumors

Apr 13, 2012 12:32 GMT  ·  By

Don't ask Rihanna about the guys she's dating – or even about whether she finds it upsetting that she's linked to men she has nothing to do with. An Australian interviewer recently did just that, and was promptly cut off.

Video is below, embedded at the end of the article.

As RiRi fans must already know, she's now promoting her feature film debut, in the action-packed “Battleship,” which premiered Down Under a few days ago.

She agreed to an interview with Sunrise and, until the moment she got so upset she cut off the interview, she talked about the possibility of doing a Whitney Houston biopic, crossing over from music to film and continuing to do both, and her first-time experience.

“She's been someone that I've looked up to for so long. Her music is something that I've been very close to, so I guess it would be fulfilling as well as... a lot of pressure,” Rihanna says of how she'd feel if she landed the part in a rumored Whitney film.

Noting that, whatever her professional accomplishments, Rihanna can't stop people from keeping tabs on her personal life, the reporter goes on to say something very vague about being linked to men she's probably not even dating.

She then asks the star whether she finds that (i.e. having to deal with so many unfounded rumors) infuriating.

“[It's] very frustrating,” Rihanna says, looking very annoyed. It's clear already that this interview will not be going anywhere.

“Almost as frustrating as being asked about it,” she adds. “I mean, what's the point?” Rihanna responded.

The reporter tries to answer, telling her that people are immediately interested in everything she does because she's “a big star.”

That's not enough, Rihanna points out.

“They are. And they're interested in a lot of things – a lot of things that don't matter. Or shouldn't,” she says, now visibly irritated.