You won't know what's funnier: the date they'll (theoretically) be able to get back in the game, or why they got banned in the first place

Sep 7, 2007 08:22 GMT  ·  By

What you're about to hear will make Xbox 360 gamers that have complained about BioShock's installation procedure or widescreen issues seem like little babies. According to a forum post up on, some noobs actually managed to get their hands on Halo 3 (at least we can give them some credit for this), but then went straight online with it for the whole world to see their gamertags. "Retarded" is just too soft of a term...

Want to hear something even funnier? Yes I know, it's seemed quite impossible for something funnier to appear in this piece of news, but trust me, this one's going to rip you apart: Microsoft has banned the idiots until 12/31/9999. That's just before the year 10.000, when the planet we live on will probably be a much cooler place (or won't exist at all if things don't go right in Geneva, Switzerland on November 27).

Didn't think Microsoft had such a good sense of humor, to be honest with you. Well, it was probably Bungie's idea but it doesn't matter really, because getting banned for life, going online with an illegal copy of a video game is funny enough. Makes you wonder doesn't it? The guys were smart enough to get their hands on Halo 3, but were stupid enough to go online, knowing that their gamertags would be seen. How come?

What were they thinking that Microsoft and Bungie were just taking some time out on some remote beach sipping umbrella drinks and getting massages from female Thais? It exceeds my understanding and everyone else's for that matter as no one on the Internet has managed to provide an answer to why they let themselves get caught so easily.

There is just one possible explanation: although the guys knew they would get caught if going online, Halo 3 is simply irresistible, so they just couldn't help themselves. It's either that or they thought they'd just get banned for 24 hours or something like that. Yup, the latter seems more plausible. 12/31/9999... LOL, hehe! Jeez...