Liam Neeson is desperate to get out of Alaska alive and back home to his wife

Jan 25, 2012 12:12 GMT  ·  By

Until not long ago, January was the cinema graveyard month, where projects that were once promising came to die. Recent years saw its transformation into the month of the outcast / niche film, which explains why it's also when “The Grey” is coming out.

Because there's no chance it could ever go up against big Hollywood productions, “The Grey,” a man vs. nature film starring Liam Neeson, comes out on January 27.

A red band trailer for it has just been released – and you can see it below, granted you're over 18, and take note that it contains images and language that might offend.

As was the case with the first trailer, this clip too showcases some pretty ridiculous CGI, especially in the making of the wolves.

Even so, hopes are high that Liam Neeson's awesomeness will compensate for that. After all, who else could fight wolves in the wild with glass stuck to the hand with duct tape, and be convincing at the same time.