Unique display technology used for news channel video wall

Oct 6, 2011 07:40 GMT  ·  By

Prysm managed to make an impression last year, when it revealed the revolutionary LPD display technology and it looks like it finally got to announce the first Middle East broadcast installation.

The Laser Phosphor Display (LPD) technology from Prysm is something that can take any shape, size and resolution.

Intended for large format display installations, the display type has now been adopted by Dubai TV for its sports channel (and not only).

A large, 13ft x 4ft video wall (3.96 x 1.21 meters) will show a large scale map of the world “as the backdrop of the Dubai News desk.”

Different sporting events will be easily highlighted, from across the world, and then zoomed in, to the event pictures, by means of special graphics transitions.

The screen will also serve as the main backdrop for the Dubai TV news desk and will display speakers from outside the studio during the various discussions held there.

“We are proud to have been a part of this project and to have our screens feature on such a prestigious channel in the region,” said Tanvir Osama, Prysm’s director of Sales in the Middle East and India.

“Dubai TV is has an inspirational presence in the industry. For the channel to fully endorse Prysm speaks volumes about the quality and long term impact LPD technology will have, transforming screen backdrops and live correspondence displays.”

Back when the LPD technology was first launched, we were able to get quite a few details about it through an interview which is waiting to be read here.

Basically, it can take any shape, size and resolution, even as the power requirements are very low thanks to the lack of backlighting (75% lower power draw compared to backlit or projection displays, LCD or otherwise).

“We met with four other manufacturers of different video wall platforms before deciding that Prysm was the right solution for the studio,” said Rashed Amiri, head of Dubai sports channel.

“The qualities and features of Laser Phosphor Display technology within the broadcast environment are in line with what we want to bring to the sports channel in the future.”

Photo Gallery (4 Images)

Prysm LPD concept
Prysm LPD conceptPrysm LPD concept