Another Steam game for you

Nov 30, 2006 14:10 GMT  ·  By

After getting all the best games out there, Steam has decided to host another game on their servers, first-person shooter this time. The game in question is the FPS from Human Head Studios, Prey.

Starting with November 30, you will be able to download Prey via the Steam digital distribution platform for US$ 49.95. If you already have it as a box version, you can also activate it with your existing CD key.

3D Realms, games' publisher, tried to make a digital distribution partnership with Triton, but apparently, they realized that Steam is better and changed their mind. What is good about Steam is that you can get updates for your Steam games almost instantly. Looking from the lazy men's point of view, you might say that Steam is a terrific service as you don't even have to leave your room to get the game you want. Just click and download (of course, for a small fee).

Steam is probably the world's largest online games distribution platform, having some big names available for download, titles such as Dark Messiah of Might and Magic, RoboBlitz, Psychonauts, the Civilization series, RACE the official WTCC game, the Call of Duty series and of course, their own games (Half-Life and Counter-Strike). Now they have further expanded their range of games with this new addition, Prey.

The story of the game sees Domasi Tawodi (also known as Tommy) trying to rid the Earth of alien invaders. Tommy is the main character of the game, an out of the ordinary blend of skills of qualities. He is a Cherokee garage mechanic and a Former U.S. Army soldier living on a Native American reservation in Oklahoma.