Feb 15, 2011 19:21 GMT  ·  By

Valve is getting ready to release its newest game, Portal 2, and, as such, has revealed the array of pre-order incentives that will be offered by participating retail outlets all around the world.

Portal 2 is set to be one of the most expected games of the year, as Valve's loyal fan base is eager to see how the company expands the ideas first showcased in the lightweight original Portal.

Now, in order to further amp up the hype around the title, Valve has revealed some of the pre-order incentives that will be held by its retail partners all over the world.

"Special pre-order offers vary at participating outlets around the world and include a variety of dollars off and/or exclusive in-game content for those who reserve the game for purchase before it is released the week of April 18," says Valve.

"These include $5 off the full price, exclusive in-game skins for the coop bots (Atlas and P-body), and more. Check your favorite outlet for details," adds the announcement.

Among the most important offers, we have GameStop, which is offering skins for the two bots in the cooperative multiplayer mode, pictured above, and Amazon that offers $5 worth of promotional credit.

GameStop, Amazon and Steam are also adding a discount of 10% off the price for all Portal 2 versions, so you'll even be saving some money if you pay up right now.

If you want to check out some of the pre-order offers around your own area of the world, Valve set up a special page where you can check out them out.

Portal 2 is set to continue the story of test subject Chell, who once again needs to traverse a series of complicated yet rewarding puzzle areas in order to take down the evil GLaDOS artificial intelligence.

Besides the single-player campaign, a cooperative one will also be included with two robots that need to work together in order to escape the Aperture test facility.

Portal 2 is set to be released for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on April 18.