Jul 5, 2011 07:20 GMT  ·  By

PlayStation 3 owners that use the PlayStation Home online social network are among the most hardcore and dedicated gamers on that platform, at least according to Sony's director of the digital service.

PlayStation 3 owners have quite a lot of activities dedicated to them besides gaming, with Sony offering plenty of other services, with the most important one being the PlayStation Home online social service, where users can interact with the digital avatars of other PS3 users in unique locations, engage in various mini-games and spend time in dedicated game spaces.

While the service isn't that popular with the mainstream market, Sony's Home director, Jack Buser, insists that, according to its statistics, users of the Home service are among the most dedicated gamers out there.

"They buy more games than the average PS3 user, they play more games than the average PS3 user. They also watch more movies than the average PS3 user, who is already a highly self-selective consumer," said Buser to Giant Bomb. "We're talking about rabid consumers of media and hardcore gamers. That's who these people are."

What's really impressive about Home, at least according to the Sony executive, is that it offers a lot of activities for all sorts of gamers.

"You have users who are spending a tremendous amount of time on the platform, literally spending their lives inside of PlayStation Home," he said.

"You have other users that are using PlayStation Home as something that they do between games. They'll have a big game they bought, they beat the game or otherwise get tired of the game, so what do they do with their console between that and the next time they buy a game? They use PlayStation Home."

PlayStation Home users were greeted with a massive free content pack after the outage that affected the whole PlayStation Network, and it now seems that the online service is more popular than ever.